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Buyer Beware

Buyer Beware

Occasionally we receive reports that unauthorized resellers are selling HCI Fitness, Monark Exercise, Mediana and other products on popular websites at high prices, or worse: they are misusing the HCI Fitness, Monark Exercise, Mediana names and selling counterfeit products. Here are some tips to ensure you're purchasing genuine HCI Fitness, Monark Exercise, Mediana product:

  1. We do not license or build off-brand products. If you’re unsure of the authenticity of the product, contact us for confirmation.
  2. Search the seller's name and contact information. We recommend using an online map and internet search. Here are some things to look for:
    • Are they a known company?
    • Do they have a website?
    • Does the name match the business address?
    • Does the address look like a place of business?
  3. When looking for the lowest-priced listing, look at the seller's information and ratings. Beware of overly positive ratings that may be fake; read the worst criticisms and problems customers have experienced.
  4. Review all return policies and warranties offered so you can protect your purchase.
  5. Check that the pricing is consistent with ours. HCI Fitness, Monark Exercise, Mediana offers fair and consistent pricing. Any new machine claiming to be HCI Fitness, Monark Exercise, Mediana and being offered at a significant discount is not genuine.
  6. Contact us to see if the company selling our products is one of our known resellers. If they're not, or if we don't have them in our database, it's probably best to steer clear of their offers.

If you fall victim to a scam, here are some steps you can take:

  1. File a return, claim and/or complaint to the site where the purchase was made.
  2. Contact your credit card company to refute the charges.
  3. Report the issue to the Internet Crime Complaint Center (www.ic3.gov), which is a partnership between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center.
  4. Report the issue to us, so we can contact our lawyers and prevent future problems. The more information you're willing to share, the better:
    • Your name
    • Email address
    • Phone number
    • Order information (price paid, order number)
    • Date of transaction
    • Product purchased (model name)
    • Any documentation (copies of invoices, etc.) you may have received
    • Photos of the product
    • Any other information you feel is relevant

While we do our best to remove these sellers from the market, we cannot be responsible for their fraudulent actions, as we have no relationship with them and don’t know who or where they are. Ultimately, please be careful and do your research. As they say, if an offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is.